Offer Cooldowns and Expiration Rules

Beezie implements cooldown periods and expiration rules to ensure a fair and efficient marketplace for all users. This page outlines these guidelines and highlights any exceptions.

Cooldown Periods

Cooldowns are in place to manage marketplace activity and provide a seamless experience for buyers and sellers.

1. Withdrawing an Offer

  • If you withdraw an offer, there is a 1-hour cooldown before you can send a new offer for the same item.

2. Accepted Offers

  • When your offer is accepted:

    • The item becomes yours immediately.

    • However, you must wait 1 hour before:

      • Listing the item for sale.

      • Accepting a new offer on the item.

3. Transfers from Another User

  • Items transferred to your account from another user are subject to a 1-hour cooldown before you can take further actions.

Pre-Defined Expiration Dates for Offers

When creating an offer, you can set an expiration date. Beezie supports the following predefined options:

  • 1 day

  • 3 days

  • 7 days


Certain items are exempt from cooldown periods:

  • Items Sent from the Beezie Admin Wallet Items freshly tokenized and sent directly by Beezie's admin wallet are not subject to cooldowns.

  • Blind Box Drops (Pre-Reveal) Items purchased through Blind Box Drops are exempt from cooldown periods.

These rules are designed to promote fairness and ensure a streamlined experience for all marketplace users. For additional support, feel free to reach out to Beezie Support.

Last updated